History |
Club History |
Bizzare Circumstances |
The club started amongst a set of bizarre circumstances. In 1995 Carlo Barone and Renato Todaro attended the 10th Summernats in Canberra and the idea of a club specifically for these cars was was banded, (amongst much laughter).
In 1996 Carlo Barone’s shed was broken into and many items in relation to his car and various tools were stolen. Whilst the offenders were caught only one item, a set of triple carbs were not recovered. Through the investigations it was discovered that Kevin Burgess had purchased them via the Sunday Times. Kevin was approached and being and enthusiast of these cars and having empathy for the situation returned them. During this debacle Kevin introduced Mike and Andrew Lansley to Carlo who in turn introduced them to Trevor Peters. The idea of the club resurfaced and these six people became the founding members of the club. |
Due to other commitments it was agreed that Carlo would bare the main responsibility of the ‘Nuts and Bolts” in starting the club for its first year of operation. The other five members Kevin, Mike, Peter, Andrew and Renato were invaluable with concepts and goal setting. |
Seeing that the founding six members are fanatical about these cars this split over into the club set up. It was incorporated before its first meeting in July 1997. |
The club since then has grown from strength to strength and now has a membership base of 55 members. The clubs main assets are its members. There is a diverse range of technical knowledge and skills and all members willingly contribute to the club information base and we are proud to say willingly help each other. |
Disclaimer |
The GTR Torana XU1 Car Club Inc. does not accept responsibility for the truth or accuracy of any articles or advertisements appearing on this website. It is the incumbent on the reader to satisfy themselves as to the truth or accuracy of any of the articles or advertisements. All information and advertisements are correct at the time of upload 7th March 2006 and are accepted in good faith by the club. |